Tags: web-review, security, databases, values, debugging, design, maintenance, web, tests, supply-chain, reliability, sql, business, monitoring, telegram, law, tech, rss, metaprogramming, programming, fundraising, linux, performance, airline, foss, language, frontend, python, architecture, licensing, privacy
Let’s go for my web review for the week 2024-35.
Tags: tech, telegram, security, privacy
Here a good reminder that the PR of Telegram is highly misleading. It’s not very secure, they don’t really care about your privacy.
Tags: tech, telegram, law
Yes, such an arrest is concerning. Now, lots of people are voicing the wrong concerns… this article actually does a good job explaining it.
Tags: tech, foss, values, licensing, fundraising
I’m not sure the “bubble” comparison properly applies. Still there are indeed signs of the Open Source movement getting in troubles. It’ll be all the more important to stick to the Free Software values.
Tags: tech, foss, licensing
It’s about time… I wish they would have gone for the AGPL + proprietary double license scheme instead of their odd licenses the last time.
Tags: tech, language
Interesting to see Typescript and Rust picking up pace slowly. Otherwise Python, Java, Javascript and C++ are still the big four overall. For jobs, C# and SQL are good to have in your tool belt.
Tags: tech, rss
Very good list of the challenges ahead for RSS as a popular protocol. It’d be great to see some of it being tackled.
Tags: tech, supply-chain, security, linux
Interesting comparison between old attempts at backdooring OpenSSH and the latest xz attempt. There are lessons to be learned from this. It makes a good case for starting to sandbox everything.
Tags: tech, security, airline
Woops, this was clearly a very bad security issue allowing to completely bypass airport security screening in the US.
Tags: tech, databases, sql
Looks like an interesting way to improve SQL. This feels like a nice extension, it’s much better than throwing out the baby with the bathwater.
Tags: tech, programming, python, metaprogramming
Interesting to see how far you can go preprocessing Python.
Tags: tech, programming, maintenance
Definitely a good advice, I see very complex expressions in if (or while BTW) conditions way too often. They tend to accumulate over time.
Tags: tech, web, frontend, tests, performance, reliability
Interesting reason which would explain the Selenium flakiness. It’s just harder to write tests with race conditions using Playwright.
Tags: tech, monitoring, reliability, debugging
How to avoid drowning in errors when getting serious about monitoring. Finding class of errors and treating them one by one will definitely help.
Tags: tech, design, databases
A weird detour via baseball obscure rules to justify why we should pay attention to the “Highlander problem”. This should be kept in mind especially for designing databases.
Tags: tech, business, architecture
Definitely something architects should do more. Understanding the business needs should be the input to the technical decisions. Otherwise you might just happily build the wrong thing.
Bye for now!