Hi, I'm Kevin

I’m a Libre Software Craftsman.



My name is Kevin Ottens and I live in France. In general, I love to learn new things regularly which can be technical or about soft skills. Because of that depending who you talk to, you can get a very different picture:

  • Software Craftsman, since I’m a developer by trade and I like to share new insights on the job with others;
  • Free Software Hacker, since I’m involved in several projects, most notably with KDE;
  • Community Whisperer, since I study communities and help with their stewardship when I can;
  • Graphic Facilitator, since I like to do sketchnotes or help meetings using live scribing or innovation games;
  • Researcher, since I also have an academic background in general and a PhD in Artificial Intelligence in particular;
  • Aikidoka, since I’ve been practicing this martial art for years.

But really even in the different facets above, I always feel like there’s more to learn and more progress to be made. In fact I’m just a mere explorer.

If you want more exhaustive and professional information, you can also download my formal resume.


Latest Post

Jul 26, 2024

Web Review, Week 2024-30

Let’s go for my web review for the week 2024-30. On Open Source and the Sustainability of the Commons Tags: tech, foss, licensing, sustainability, commons, politics It’s a piece which really resonates with me. I’ve been thinking and saying for a while that focusing mostly on the technical (licensing and dev) aspects of Open Source was a mistake. This completely overlooked the political side of the Free Software equation. This is why the industry is as it is now. Read more


To get in touch with me you can use email, Mastodon or IRC (‘ervin’ on the freenode network).

When possible I sign my messages using my GPG key ID 8DEC C9E2.

My current local time is .