Tags: web-review, react, leadership, team, postgresql, privacy, ssh, shell, services, databases, security, anonymity, processes, debugging, productivity, ai, system, c++, hardware, tdd, complexity, philosophy, python, criticism, architecture, cognition, machine-learning, software, profiling, bias, performance, tech, css, standard, posix, telegram, unix, management, linux, web, maintenance, codereview, frontend, tests, asynchronous, spam, internet, programming, organization, go, gpt, ethics, planning, quality, tools
Let’s go for my web review for the week 2024-27.
Tags: tech, internet, anonymity, privacy
There’s clearly an interesting balance between full anonymity and no anonymity at all. This is a path to keep discussions genuine and civil.
Tags: tech, telegram, security, criticism
This organization indeed doesn’t seem healthy. Especially regarding the amount of user data they are responsible of.
Tags: tech, philosophy, ai, machine-learning, gpt, ethics
Makes a strong case about why LLMs are better described as “bullshit machine”. In any case this is a good introduction into bullshit as a philosophical concept. I guess with our current relationship to truth these are products well suited to their context…
Tags: tech, ai, machine-learning, gpt, spam
A new era of spam is on us… this is going to be annoying to filter out.
Tags: tech, ssh, security
Make sure your OpenSSH server is up to date.
Tags: tech, unix, posix, system, standard
From the perspective of a given implementation. Still this is a good list of what POSIX 2024 changes. I’m particularly interested to see that per-file-descriptor advisory locks finally made it to the standard. Still some progress to make in this department but it’s a good step already.
Tags: tech, architecture, services, complexity, go, postgresql, databases, react
Nice return on experience of using a simple stack to serve loads of web requests.
Tags: tech, c++, standard
Looks like C++26 is going to be a big deal. The reflection and generation features alone are going to be a game changer. Now if it also gets contracts it’d be really nice.
Tags: tech, shell, processes
This is too often underestimated. This article shows nice uses of job control.
Tags: tech, linux, profiling, debugging, tools
Nice suite of tools. The eBPF based ones look promising.
Tags: tech, programming, python
Obviously very opinionated. Still probably a nice list to pick from when making your own project specific coding guidelines.
Tags: tech, web, css, frontend, maintenance
Interesting approach to structure CSS custom properties. Should help a bit with maintainability.
Tags: tech, programming, asynchronous
Not really Rust specific, this might be an interesting way to structure your code once async gets introduced. Should avoid some of the usual traps.
Tags: tech, hardware, software, performance
As Moore’s law fades away this question is indeed essential. Looks like there will be more pressure on software and algorithms than before (at last one might say, we had decades of waste there). Streamlining hardware architectures will have a role too, we might see simpler cores in greater numbers.
Tags: tech, tdd, tests
Starting from a wrong analogy to raise real thinking and questions about TDD.
Tags: tech, codereview
Good reasons to really make sure your organization practice code reviews.
Tags: tech, quality, productivity
Good reminder that those two aspects are not necessarily competing which each other. In the long run quality improves productivity. In the short term it might as well.
Tags: management, organization, cognition, planning, bias
Very good primer on a widespread and very hard to avoid bias. This is why it’s hard for projects to properly meet deadlines.
Tags: tech, team, organization, leadership, management
Interesting tips and actions to help frame the conversation. The goal is to get the team better self-organized and directed.
Bye for now!