Tags: web-review, ethics, history, performance, unix, machine-learning, backend, design, http, quic, privacy, firewall, databases, cpu, vscode, compiler, system, fuzzing, gpt, algorithm, sqlite, ai, tests, matrix, geometry, architecture, kernel, gui, c++, criticism, software, communication, SIMD, microsoft, tech, processes, documentation, ide, mathematics, security, django, linux
Let’s go for my web review for the week 2024-24.
Tags: tech, microsoft, privacy
Unsurprisingly they had to adjust under the pressure. The most blatant issues might be gone, it is still a bad idea at its core.
Tags: tech, ai, machine-learning, gpt, criticism, ethics
Chatbots can be useful in some cases… but definitely not when people expect to connect with other humans.
Tags: tech, vscode, security, ide
How trustworthy are the extensions you get in your editor or IDE? I’d expect most marketplaces to not be well harmed against such attacks.
Tags: tech, http, quic, firewall
Good reminder that firewalls need to be adjusted for proper HTTP/3 support.
Tags: tech, http, quic
Interesting status report about HTTP/3 support in curl. Shows quite well the various alternatives and how special HTTP/3 can be.
Tags: tech, unix, linux, kernel, system, processes
Interesting deep dive in where the PIDs seen in user space come from. And also yes, there is something matching PID 0 which can be traced back to early UNIX systems.
Tags: tech, cpu, performance, SIMD
SIMD keeps providing interesting performance boosts for parsing work loads.
Tags: tech, c++, compiler, performance, matrix
The ordering used for matrix multiplications definitely matters.
Tags: tech, databases, design
Good advice on designing your database tables. The comments are good too, they allow to complete the picture.
Tags: tech, backend, databases
The right and wrong approaches for paginating results coming from a database.
Tags: tech, django, databases, sqlite
Little and to the point reference on safer SQLite use. I should check if some of this would apply or is used by Akonadi as well.
Tags: tech, geometry, mathematics, algorithm
Need to know if two shapes overlap? Good explanation of an elegant algorithm to do it.
Tags: tech, documentation, communication, gui
Nice reminder that even though we try to make things simpler to understand to people, there is a point where we can go too far.
Tags: tech, fuzzing, tests, history
Ever wondered where fuzz testing is coming from? This is an important bit of history.
Tags: tech, software, architecture
Indeed this is not for any environment and projects. So take it with a grain of salt. That said, I think this piece has a core truth to it which is more general. Software architectures shouldn’t be considered as something fixed as soon as they are planned, they need to be validated through use and to be prepared to evolve over time as needed.
Bye for now!