Tags: web-review, unix, architecture, 2d, programming, gpt, security, complexity, frontend, web, tech, physics, governance, communication, collision, optimization, microservices, linux, elf, teaching, copilot, simulation, profiling, social-media, processes, dns, python, foss, democracy, css, system, graphql, privacy, debugging, cognition, performance, neuroscience, history
Let’s go for my web review for the week 2024-22.
Tags: tech, web, social-media, democracy
Very nice piece. Hopefully it’ll push people to remember that the big social media enclosures are not really the Web. We can have more democracy on the Web again if we collectively want to.
Tags: tech, programming, debugging, teaching, gpt, copilot
Definitely this. In a world where LLM would actually be accurate and would never spit outright crappy code, programmers would still be needed. It’d mean spending less time writing but more time investigating and debugging the produced code.
Tags: tech, dns, privacy, security
Or why you should let domain simply expire, there’s plenty of work to do before that.
Tags: tech, security, communication
The words we use indeed matter. This is definitely a domain where we should avoid ambiguities…
Tags: tech, linux, system, processes
Interesting results. It’s especially nice to see how sched-ext allows to easily iterate and experiment with process scheduling strategies.
Tags: tech, system, unix, elf, history
Definitely a complicated history… this doesn’t make the evolution or documentation of it easy.
Tags: tech, performance, optimization, profiling
Definitely to keep in mind when using sampling profilers indeed. They’re useful, they help to get a starting point in the analysis but they’re far from enough to find the root cause of a performance issue.
Tags: tech, python
This definitely shows PyPy as a successful runtime.
Tags: tech, python, performance, optimization
Another good example of how to speed up some Python code with nice gains.
Tags: tech, 2d, collision, physics, simulation
Good introduction to collision resolution inside of physics engines.
Tags: tech, web, frontend, css
Looks like a nice CSS library for the semantic styling of web content.
Tags: tech, graphql, complexity
Shows well why you likely don’t want to use GraphQL. The chances you need the extra complexity and caveats are very slim.
Tags: tech, architecture, microservices, complexity
Since this particular fad apparently doesn’t want to die… this is a good reminder about why you want to do something simpler.
Tags: tech, foss, governance
Not necessarily my favorite governance model, but if you’re on that scheme… those are good guiding principles.
Tags: tech, programming, cognition, neuroscience
Interesting research! Is reading code a math and logic task? Is it a language task? Well… it might be its own thing.
Bye for now!