Tags: web-review, apple, parsing, google, tech, systemd, security, deployment, physics, mathematics, bytecode, flutter, advertisement, social-media, history, vendor-lockin, culture, java, project-management, fediverse, streaming, infrastructure, rust, tools, foss, web, graphics, c++, criticism, python, 3d, hardware, programming, command-line, shader, funny, internet, blog
Let’s go for my web review for the week 2024-18.
Tags: tech, fediverse, streaming, culture
I’ve been listening to these radio channels the past few weeks. It’s quirky, it’s weird, it’s wild. I definitely recommend them to get out of your usual music bubble.
Tags: tech, internet, web, culture, history
Very nice account of how the Internet is nowadays and how it got there. I like the gardening metaphor which works nicely here. And yes, we can go back to a better Web again. It’s a collective decision though, that’s what makes it hard.
Tags: tech, blog, web, social-media
Definitely this. Get the content you like known, send appreciation messages to the authors. This should keep the moribund web alive.
Tags: tech, web, advertisement, google, criticism
Ever wondered why the quality of websites seems to go down? Well, here is a case study of what you end up needing to do if you try to fund a website through ads (like most websites).
Tags: tech, google, flutter
Looks like Flutter’s days are counted. It seems it has peeked and announcements like this are likely to move people away from it. Time will tell of course.
Tags: tech, apple, vendor-lockin
Indeed there are more and more signs of the Apple vendor lock-in to be in trouble. And that’s a good thing.
Tags: tech, hardware, funny
Sure you can expect mice, but raccoons? This is a funny finding… well scary if you’re responsible of this machine room.
Tags: tech, tools, infrastructure, deployment, python
Looks like an interesting tool for infrastructure automation. It’s all Python based which is an interesting departure from yaml files in that space. Could be a nice alternative to Ansible. I might take it out for a spin.
Tags: tech, security, tools, command-line, systemd
An alternative to the venerable sudo coming with systemd. Looks like it has interesting properties.
Tags: tech, parsing, c++
Time to leave Lex and Yacc behind? This is definitely a nice approach to make parsers nowadays.
Tags: tech, bytecode
Bytecodes everywhere! Really it’s a very widespread trick, I didn’t expect some of those.
Tags: tech, java
Probably shouldn’t do this in most case… but if it’s really needed and you can bare the pain, Java has solutions for you. This is an interesting dive in lower parts of the APIs.
Tags: tech, programming, rust, funny
Funny read, it has lots of good advice for starting up with Rust.
Tags: tech, 3d, physics, mathematics
Very cool BSDF. Should lead to better diffraction rendering in real-time 3D.
Tags: tech, web, 3d
Good demonstration of what you can do with WebGL nowadays.
Tags: tech, 3d, foss
Another great resource for nice models and textures for your 3D needs.
Tags: tech, shader, graphics
A nice list of little tricks to improve the image quality of your renders.
Tags: tech, project-management
Interesting musing about the concept of friction in strategy. There are indeed a few lessons to learn from it in the context of software projects.
Bye for now!