Tags: web-review, tests, json, ai, criticism, frontend, copilot, tech, history, cognition, linking, reading, command-line, html, networking, fuzzing, codereview, debugging, terminal, filesystem, mathematics, knowledge, linux, work, programming, agile, web, security, gpt, learning, system
Let’s go for my web review for the week 2024-17.
Tags: tech, ai, gpt, copilot, criticism, work
It is an interesting essay. It leans on the side of “assistants are useful for simple coding tasks” and it’s a bit more critical when it’s about writing. The stance is original I find, yes it can help with some writing tasks, but if you look at the writing tasks you can expedite this way… if you wish to expedite them isn’t it a sign that they were providing little value in the first place? Is the solution the assistant or changing the way you work? Indeed this might hide some busy work otherwise.
Tags: tech, networking, history
Interesting facts about how the ethernet frame MTU came to be 1500 bytes.
Tags: tech, command-line, terminal
Interesting ideas for terminal emulators and shells. Maybe will make their way in other software.
Tags: tech, json, command-line
Nice set of advices. There are interesting things to do on the command line with more JSON output. It needs to be easy to work with though.
Tags: tech, linux, filesystem
There is indeed a jungle of virtual filesystems nowadays. That doesn’t make it easy to filter only for the “real” ones.
Tags: tech, system, linux, linking, debugging
This can sometimes be confusing. Here are a couple of tips about debugging rpath and linker errors.
Tags: tech, tests, security, fuzzing
Maybe a bit dry, but gives a good idea of how a fuzz testing harness works. And also how it can be tweaked.
Tags: tech, html, web, frontend
There are differences between attributes on the HTML side and properties on the DOM side. This can quickly get confusing, here is a good reference for it.
Tags: tech, codereview, programming
Indeed, naming, comments and communication styles are three aspects often overlooked during reviews. They are very important though and shouldn’t be neglected.
Tags: tech, codereview, cognition
I guess we kind of suspected it, this studies tends to prove it. Defects are more easily found in the first files of a code review rather than in the last ones.
Tags: tech, agile, criticism
Interesting musings indeed. That’s lesser heard opinions about the manifesto and its origins. Good food for thought.
Tags: mathematics, learning
I didn’t know this book. It is written in a surprising style, but it’s very much down to earth and to the point. For sure a good way to learn calculus.
Tags: reading, knowledge
Very good point. You might not remember the content, but if it impacted the way you think it did its job.
Bye for now!