Tags: web-review, type-systems, self-hosting, hiring, book, shader, email, tls, law, messaging, git, surveillance, vulkan, version-control, browser, craftsmanship, battery, windows, filesystem, tech, c++, web, teaching, python, refactoring, microsoft, docker, tools, facebook, android, webmention, hr, management, attention-economy, blog, optimization, culture, ssh, product-management, security, jit
Let’s go for my web review for the week 2024-02.
Tags: tech, web, blog, culture
This is in part why I started my web review… maybe I should start a kind of blogroll, or maybe have links to websites I like straight on my front page.
Tags: tech, surveillance
What could possibly go wrong? Panopticon 2.0 here we come.
Tags: tech, microsoft, windows, email, surveillance
Looks like Microsoft is really catching up fast for its surveillance apparatus to be on par with Google and Meta.
Tags: tech, law, facebook, surveillance, attention-economy
Very welcome complaont, Meta is trying to workaround the GDPR to increase paid accounts. Can only hope they get fined and that this shady practice disappear (they’re not the only ones doing this).
Tags: tech, security
A not so gentle reminder that you shouldn’t get sloppy in the security practices of your services.
Tags: tech, self-hosting, blog, webmention
Looks like a nice way to ease the use of webmentions. Also comes with a command line option not relying on third party hosted service apparently.
Tags: tech, ssh, blog
Very funny hack for a blog comment system.
Tags: tech, ssh, security, tools
Fascinating script which jumps over SSH servers in several hops and replicates itself without a file upload.
Tags: tech, browser, tls, security
Some of that certificate chain validation is troublesome… in Chrome based browsers it’s even truly insane.
Tags: tech, messaging, battery, android
If you’re wondering where your battery power goes… this is a nice list of measures for various clients on Android. It looks like XMPP is still hard to beat.
Tags: tech, filesystem
Fascinating exploration of the patterns visible inside ext4 filesystems.
Tags: tech, docker, tools
Looks like an interesting tool if you’re dealing with docker image. This kind of analysis is definitely missing from docker itself.
Tags: tech, shader, vulkan, c++
Interesting proof of concept to compile C++ into shaders. This reminds CUDA a bit without being tied to a given GPU brand.
Tags: tech, python, type-systems
Interesting trick even though I always cringe at such difference of behavior between runtime and “compile” time.
Tags: tech, python, jit, optimization
Want to better understand the JIT approach introduced in Python 3.13, this is a good little article. This JIT is a first step towards more optimizations.
Tags: tech, git, version-control, teaching
So, which team are you on when you think about commits in Git?
Tags: tech, refactoring, craftsmanship, book
Review of the newest book from Kent Beck, I’ll probably check it out and read it.
Tags: tech, product-management
Interesting metaphor regarding that feature you have because it is expected but otherwise doesn’t quote work.
Tags: tech, management
Interesting approach for a manager to give transparency and to clarify expectations.
Tags: tech, hr, hiring
Good list of tips and ideas. This is not necessarily as easy as it sounds. The lack of good metrics doesn’t help (totally understandable though, privacy first).
Bye for now!