Tags: web-review, learning, criticism, surveillance, life, safety, management, foss, music, tests, bug, tdd, productivity, game, privacy, mathematics, networking, tech, machine-learning, sound, organization, law, copyright, linux, mozilla, sql, shader, godot, tools, http, trust, distributed, google, talk, career, floats, c++, funny, design, python, monopoly, work, android, transparency, html, p2p, kernel, databases, ai, DRM, pattern, 3d, gpt, lua, semantic, energy, gaming, meetings
Let’s go for my web review for the week 2023-50.
Tags: tech, foss, linux
Very needed evangelization. Go forth and make apps for Linux!
Tags: tech, mozilla, foss, android
Definitely the right move, more extensions are pouring in. People should benefit from them on Android as well.
Tags: tech, distributed, p2p, privacy
What’s cooking up for the next generation of peer-to-peer applications? Here are two exciting examples of building blocks which are in the works.
Tags: tech, 3d, gaming, godot, foss
Good news for the Godot Engine. Let’s see where this goes in the coming years.
Tags: tech, google, law, monopoly
There will be an appeal but this is an important ruling already.
Tags: tech, DRM, copyright, criticism
Once more, an excellent piece from Cory Doctorow. Allowing DRM encumbered devices could only lead to the mess we’re seeing nowadays.
Tags: tech, ai, machine-learning, gpt, energy
Important and interesting study showing how the new generation of models are driving energy consumption way up. As a developer, do the responsible thing and use smaller, more specific models.
Tags: tech, ai, machine-learning, surveillance, trust, transparency
There’s definitely a problem here. The lack of transparency from the involved companies doesn’t help. It’s also a chance for local and self-hostable models, let’s hope their use increases.
Tags: tech, linux, kernel, networking
Interesting deep dive about how network stacks work in kernel or in user land. Also provides some insight on how to improve the kernel stack.
Tags: tech, floats, mathematics
Probably the definitive resource on how floating-point arithmetic works.
Tags: tech, sql, databases, learning, game, funny
You like SQL? You like murder mysteries? This little game might be right for you.
Tags: tech, http, safety, bug, c++, lua
Nice trick to get the pressure off the team while it looks for a proper solution.
Tags: tech, python, pattern
Nice illustration on how pattern matching can simplify code and make it easier to write.
Tags: tech, tools, networking
Looks like a nice tool for exploring network issues. I’ll take it for a spin when I get the chance.
Tags: tech, music, sound, gaming
Interesting little tricks to create music and sound variations to guide the user.
Tags: tech, html, semantic
This would indeed be a nice path forward for HTML. It’s much too dominated by JavaScript for now, having standardized semantic extensibility would be just better.
Tags: tech, 3d, shader, mathematics
Another nice introduction to raymarching. I still find this a very interesting rendering approach. It’s really cool what you can do with those Signed Distance Fields functions.
Tags: tech, tdd, design, tests
This is apparently a much needed clarification. Let’s get back to basics.
Tags: tech, talk
Nice list of advices in the second section. It makes a good point in some of the dynamics women might have to face in public conferences.
Tags: tech, management, career
You got a career ladder in place? Well, that’s just a first step, how do you make sure the expectations are clear to people? How do you follow through? This article helps with those questions.
Tags: organization, meetings, productivity, work, life
Interesting survey results. This kind of confirm what we already suspected regarding longer work day and the amount of meetings.
Bye for now!