Tags: web-review, minitel, copyright, docker, mozilla, scrum, kanban, art, tests, culture, c++, tech, vendor-lockin, ai, agile, funny, project-management, programming, static-analyzer, browser, 3d, learning, hardware, self-hosting, law, rust, machine-learning
Let’s go for my web review for the week 2023-04.
Tags: tech, mozilla
Well, happy birthday mozilla.org!
Tags: tech, copyright, law
It seems this isn’t necessary after all. At most if you like it you can put the year of creation of the copyrighted content, but the range and bumping it really isn’t necessary.
Tags: tech, culture, vendor-lockin
Yes, streaming isn’t forever… it’s getting clear lately. That’s why I still have CDs of the music I really like.
Tags: tech, ai, machine-learning, art
Such generative models are getting more and more accessible. You can play with them using a few lines of python now.
Tags: tech, browser, 3d
A very neat 3D experiment in the browser. The 3D abilities in this context made a lot of progress lately.
Tags: tech, hardware, self-hosting
This is an interesting new family of hardware. Definitely to keep an eye on for homelabs.
Tags: tech, c++, programming
Nice primer on std::variant. Covers all the bases of how to use it properly.
Tags: tech, static-analyzer, rust
Looks like an interesting (even though young) tool to make your own linters and to analyze code source.
Tags: tech, tests, docker
Looks like an interesting tool to deal with dependencies in some tests.
Tags: tech, project-management, agile, kanban, scrum
Interesting points about agile and lean approaches. In my view they tend to complete each other, that said the diagnostic of Scrum as practiced in most places today is not Agile is very true. So beware about what you’re doing, is it folklore? is it dogmatic? or do you really apply values and principles?
Tags: learning
I’m not in full agreement with the content, mostly the social media bit. The following your curiosity on the other hand… definitely spot on.
Tags: tech, hardware, minitel, funny
Don’t underestimate the Minitel, it is still the future! ;-) (content mostly in french)
Bye for now!