Tags: web-review, distributed, scam, ai, matrix, management, burnout, google, shell, wine, team, linear-algebra, mathematics, remote-working, zsh, fake, wikipedia, organization, git, work, life, craftsmanship, algorithm, self-hosting, school, framework, windows, tech, programming, architecture, c++, linux, science, machine-learning, tdd, culture, improving, command-line
Let’s go for my web review for the week 2022-41.
Tags: tech, scam, fake, ai, machine-learning
It was only a matter of time I guess… this is sad.
Tags: tech, wikipedia, google, school, science
I agree, I don’t get why Wikipedia gets bad reputation in school. I’m dismayed at then whatever bogus argument they have being used to push for using Google instead… it’s like, back in the days, asking pupils to not use the encyclopedia they maybe had at home and walk into the nearby pub to find information.
Tags: tech, git, self-hosting
Looks like a neat and light option to self-host git repositories.
Tags: tech, shell, command-line, zsh
OK… didn’t know about zmv. This looks really cool, I’ll add it to my tool belt.
Tags: tech, c++, distributed
Looks like an interesting little C++ library. If ever you need a distributed task queue on your project.
Tags: tech, linux, windows, wine
Very complicated software. If you ever wondered how it works. Now you know.
Tags: tech, programming, matrix, linear-algebra, algorithm, mathematics
Useful list of gotchas if you need to dabble in linear algebra. You gotta love those floats.
Tags: tech, programming, architecture, framework
A bit messy sometimes and a few arguments seem weak to me. Still the core message holds: don’t let a framework rule your project.
Tags: tech, programming, tdd
Excellent piece on joy being a better drive than discipline. This then dabbles into why TDD might not work for you.
Tags: tech, remote-working, culture
I don’t think I ever applied all of this. Still some of it definitely work, the rest are ideas worth trying at least.
Tags: work, life, organization
Very good point, make sure you know how much you can take and how much you’re actually carrying. We’re our worst enemy for these things.
Tags: work, life, burnout
I’ve witnessed that too many times. Take care people! Stay safe.
Tags: tech, programming, team, craftsmanship, improving
Very good list. It sets the bar very high! I know most people will fail on a few of those items. It’s fine this gives a good direction and something to aim for.
Tags: management, organization
Nice summary of common terms used for roles in companies.
Bye for now!