Tags: web-review, ai, craftsmanship, python, agile, tech, type-systems, metrics, tools, hr, programming, smells, project-management, productivity, interviews, business, machine-learning, unix, ssh, product-management
Let’s go for my web review for the week 2022-33.
Tags: tech, ai, machine-learning
There’s clearly a whole lot of such image generation systems emerging lately. Was only a question of time until an open source one appears. What’s interesting with this one is that it can run locally, you don’t need to query a server.
Tags: tech, python, type-systems
Very early times but this could become interesting. Maybe worth keeping an eye on.
Tags: tech, unix, tools
Big shout out to make, one of my favorites Unix tools. I like some of the ideas for improvements listed here.
Tags: tech, ssh
Neat little list of tips, indeed some are useful and I didn’t know about them.
Tags: tech, programming, smells, craftsmanship
Very nice catalog! Looks like a useful reference.
Tags: tech, metrics, business, product-management, productivity
Very good point of view about metrics and their use. We’re unfortunately very often measuring the wrong things or using them the wrong way.
Tags: tech, agile, project-management
This is unfortunately very much true. Was only a matter of time I guess. The “grass is greener” effect is indeed the most likely reason.
Tags: hr, interviews
OK, that’s an interesting approach to the note taking during interviews. I’m a bit far from that which is fine… and still that gives me ideas for improvements.
Bye for now!