Tags: web-review, free-software, data-visualization, management, culture, javascript, hr, low-tech, ip, simplicity, facebook, ethics, gafam, surveillance, decentralized, programming, web, search, storage, tech, memory, networking, codereview, google, irc, performance, bing, obsolescence
Let’s go for my web review for the week 2022-02.
Tags: tech, facebook, gafam, surveillance
Ever had a Facebook account? Deactivated it since then? Well apparently the surveillance anti-feature is for life… Don’t be fooled, just delete it, which is apparently harder than it sounds.
Tags: tech, google, bing, search
Interesting look at the results from two search engines and seeing where they’re good and where they fail.
Tags: tech, memory, storage, performance
Still very early days, but if that gets industrialized and the prices are not too horrible, this could bridge the gap in access times between memory and storage.
Tags: tech, irc, low-tech, simplicity
Don’t use it much anymore for various reasons, but I still find the simplicity of IRC still appealing and elegant. It is a really neat protocol.
Tags: tech, networking, ip, decentralized
Looks like a very interesting approach. This is still clearly for techies though, but time will tell.
Tags: tech, data-visualization, web
This looks like a very interesting dataviz framework.
Tags: tech, web, obsolescence, javascript
Or why upgrades need to happen with care, especially with an open platform like the web…
Tags: tech, programming
Always remember the human beings and the context behind the code you are looking at.
Tags: tech, programming, codereview
Not very profound but definitely useful tips on how to handle reviews.
Tags: tech, free-software, ethics
Interesting piece which points out (despite its title) that it’s not simply about funding, this is also about the relationship between projects and large companies which try to squeeze value out of them.
Tags: management, hr, culture
Interesting exploration on why we see a large resignation movement (at least in the US, the study is US centric anyway). It’s clearly not only about wages and they are other even more powerful forces at play. First and foremost: mind your corporate culture.
Bye for now!