Tags: web-review, gafam, internet, fundraising, web, management, tech, linux, cooking, commons, microsoft, surveillance, leadership, rfc3339, data-science, free-software, tor, google, statistics, rss, social-media, iso8601, date, quality, facebook
Let’s go for my web review for the week 2021-43.
Tags: tech, internet, commons
Another very important common turns 25 this year. Happy birthday Internet Archive!
Tags: tech, tor, fundraising
Fundraising from the Tor project, especially nice message this year.
Tags: google, facebook, gafam, surveillance
Basically an attempt at building a cartel of the surveillance capitalism companies to slow down privacy regulations… how surprising, not.
Tags: microsoft, free-software
Unlike what the usual PR claims, Microsoft keeps being Microsoft… lots of infighting and tensions.
Tags: tech, linux, quality
This is in the context of a game, but from my experience in other domains… this is definitely why you want Linux users when you make a product. Might not generate a lots of sales but the signal/noise ratio in the bug reports is just great.
Tags: tech, rss, web, social-media
Since I’m still hoping for a strong RSS revival (not that it disappeared but I wish it was more the default option again), this post especially resonated with me. The discovery tool sounds very interesting.
Tags: tech, date, rfc3339, iso8601
Dates are important, they can also be complicated. When unsure about how a format works this page can help.
Tags: tech, cooking
Funny interesting tiny markup language targeting cooking. Funnily enough I could see myself using this.
Tags: management, leadership
Like it or not but the “manager” label indeed changes interpersonal dynamics.
Tags: statistics, data-science
Interesting exploration of statistics around marriage (in the US). Some jobs are definitely more staying in their own circles than others.
Bye for now!