Tags: web-review, frontend, facebook, oracle, programming, optimization, databases, web, react, social-media, c++, javascript, instagram, innovation, sql, java, markdown, typescript, coffee, css, debugging, tech, battery, python, energy
Let’s go for my web review for the week 2021-37.
Tags: battery, energy
If confirmed and possible to industrialize quickly this could have an interesting impact on public transportation.
Tags: tech, web, coffee, innovation
This is an interesting anecdote. Academics and engineers do indeed run on coffee for most of them. Apparently it’s a driving force for innovation. :-)
Tags: tech, social-media
Alright, interesting result… puts a nail in the coffin of social media being a positive force in the world ever. At that point it’s not only about the toxic architecture of the ones running from ads… it’s more fundamental than that. It’d definitely need to be completely rethought.
Tags: tech, facebook, instagram, social-media
Those companies get more creepy by the minute… it’s a never ending train of such social experiments.
Tags: tech, oracle, databases
Between DB2 and Oracle, those old closed source databases are really a pain to work with.
Tags: tech, databases, sql, optimization
Interesting set of SQL optimizations. Also shows PostgreSQL still had (has?) some room for improvement.
Tags: tech, java
Nice comprehensive list of new features since Java 8.
Tags: tech, frontend, web, markdown
Looks like an interesting web markdown editor.
Tags: tech, web, css, frontend
Nice exploration of how to produce shadows in CSS. Make sure to read it all the way until the filter + drop-shadow approach.
Tags: tech, programming, python
Illustration of one of the traps I hate most with Python.
Tags: tech, debugging, c++
Interesting debugger to complete your arsenal next to GDB. Super nice to be able to travel back in time.
Tags: tech, debugging, python
Similar to RR but for Python.
Tags: tech, debugging, web, react, javascript, typescript
Similar to RR but for web frontends.
Bye for now!