Tags: web-review, web, tech, innovation, ai, machine-learning, irc, project-management, fonts, democracy, javascript, linux, elf, security, frontend, funny, 3d, privacy, portability, estimates, freenode, rust
Let’s go for my web review for the week 2021-20.
Tags: tech, javascript
A nice list of somewhat recent features which made it to JavaScript.
Tags: tech, privacy, democracy, innovation
There is so much more to criticize about tech giants than just privacy and fake news issues. It’s important to not mistake the tree for the forest. They’re also killing quite a lot of democratic and institurional innovations.
Tags: tech, web, frontend, fonts
A few nice tips for dealing with fonts on the web.
Tags: tech, security, funny
OK, now that’s a funny consequence of how authorities behave which are taken into account by criminals.
Tags: tech, ai, machine-learning
Very nice tutorial, explores a good set of common biases. Also show that it’s not that simple to get rid of them.
Tags: tech, portability, linux, rust, elf
This is Rust focused but still, shows a good way to increase binary portability across distributions. I suspect a couple of things would be easier with elf-dissector even.
Tags: tech, irc, freenode
The Freenode network is very much in trouble… This is so sad, my account there dated back from the early days of my KDE involvement. Needless to say it felt a bit weird to let it go.
Tags: tech, irc, freenode
Hopefully, here is the safe haven for the people coming from Freenode. Time for a new account…
Tags: tech, 3d
Not that I needed to be convinced, but it’s now becoming clear 3D engines are getting out of games to become more pervasive.
Tags: tech, project-management, estimates
I got a slightly different view on the topic. To me there’s value in the process of estimating, the estimation itself less so. The process often helps you refine both your understanding of the technical domain but also of the business domain.
Bye for now!