Tags: web-review, social-media, xmpp, matrix, smartphone, fediverse, tech, management, security, object-oriented, performance, pandas, data-oriented, multithreading, linux, sql, databases, surveillance, data-science, python, http, postgresql, pinephone
Let’s go for my web review for the week 2021-18.
Tags: tech, http, security
Nice summary of several security headers you can have to deal with for HTTP.
Tags: tech, fediverse, social-media, xmpp, matrix
Not very scientific but gives a rough idea of which services are heavy or not in the fediverse. Matrix seems to be still dismal in that regard… I wonder if we’ll see a revival of XMPP, that’d be very funny.
Tags: tech, linux, pinephone, smartphone
Looks like the situation is still fragile for Linux phones but it’s brighter than ever.
Tags: tech, performance, data-oriented, object-oriented
Excellent reminder about where the limit is for the compiler to optimize things. Nowadays it’s mostly about the memory accesses and then it means that the design matters a lot. Object-oriented designs being far from optimal here. Data-oriented designs fare much better but are definitely less friendly for human brains to reason about them.
Tags: tech, pandas, data-science, databases, sql, postgresql
A good example of using the best tool for the job. Having your whole data analysis pipeline in pandas might not be what you want for performance reason. Very often there’s a relational database you can leverage first.
Tags: tech, multithreading
Ever wondered what’s hiding behind a mutex? This article goes a good job to explain this.
Tags: tech, surveillance
Such a lovely country… Ruling in favor of mass surveillance (again, shall I say) which goes against the CJEU rulings. Way to go… sigh
Tags: tech, python
Sounds like an interesting tool for Python projects.
Tags: tech, management
In the fallout of the Basecamp debacle a good reminder: talk is cheap, it’s how you act which matters.
Bye for now!