Tags: web-review, hr, interviews, tools, economics, optimization, pandemic, php, python, ecology, privacy, security, vaccines, tech, fungi, science, surprising, anonymity, hiring, sponsorship, fonts, unix, rust, frontend, mentoring, profiling, green-it, amazon, diversity, dystopia
Let’s go for my web review for the week 2021-13.
Tags: pandemic, tech, vaccines
Granted the whole pandemic thing is horrible, but there’s still some light in the darkness. Despite all the suffering we made a couple of steps forward as a species.
Tags: science, fungi, surprising
Now this is a very surprising and intriguing approach. I’m fascinated about all the uses we find for fungi lately.
Tags: tech, amazon, dystopia
They keep piling on the outright evil ideas… It shows so much lack of empathy and humanism…
Tags: tech, security, php
When you can’t trust your git repository anymore you’re in big trouble… This makes GitHub even more of a tempting target now though and it has its own ACLs challenges…
Tags: hr, hiring, interviews
Interesting data point about hiring someone. I stay convinced that it needs to take time, it kinds of confirm it.
Tags: hr, hiring, interviews
Article in French
Another one about the hiring process. Focuses mostly on the time used for the interviews though. Same thing it takes time: several long interviews. Also especially interesting it focuses on the real questions underneath the interview and there are not many of them: it’s mostly about can we work together and if yes where is the candidate positioned skill wise compared to current employees. As it’s very well put: “everything else is literature”.
Tags: economics, ecology, tech, green-it
When we’re reminded that “software eating up the world” is in fact a very material things. More and more things around us are getting electronics and batteries due to this. This should all be treated as a non renewable resource because the raw materials it depends on are getting depleted fast. Tension on nickel could increase as early as 2027.
Tags: tech, frontend, fonts
Yes, fonts are hard to deal with… No it doesn’t need to be like this. I suspect it’ll stay like this for a long while though.
Tags: tech, rust, python, profiling, optimization
Interesting use of Rust to optimize an otherwise completely Python base code. This is properly done, first profiling the problematic system finding where the bottleneck is, evaluating other options first, then finally biting the bullet. Leads to a dramatic improvement by just replacing a few lines of Python. This is far from the “let’s rewrite everything in Rust” which is a good thing.
Tags: tech, tools, unix
Interesting little tool for exploring pipe expressions with live previews on the command line.
Tags: hr, mentoring, sponsorship, diversity
Interesting take on mentorship vs sponsorship. I indeed tend to mentor more than I sponsor. Definitely something I need to adjust.
Tags: tech, privacy
The difference between words and actions. A good reminder for those who still think that the Apple ecosystem is more virtuous regarding privacy than the Google one. Think again.
Tags: tech, privacy, anonymity
Looks like a very comprehensive guide on the topic. I wish they produced an epub version as well. :-)
Bye for now!