Tags: web-review, sql, go, tech, sms, ecology, performance, vscode, security, data-science, rust, 2fa, openssl, refactoring, html, plan9, medecine, craftsmanship, history, javascript, malthus, web, hygiene, biology, tutorial, economics, kde, css, dystopia, surveillance, mentoring, databases, frontend, sqlite
Let’s go for my web review for the week 2021-12.
Tags: kde
This kind of moments make me proud of the KDE e.V. in general and the current board in particular. This is a very level headed statement. Way more honorable than the mudslinging we’ve been seeing lately. It points at the right issue which is institutional.
Tags: dystopia, surveillance
Article in French
French Senate validated a whole lot of surveillance measures… More cameras and biometric controls everywhere. We have money for that apparently but not to have decent prison cells or to fight inequalities… This country is really on an authoritarian path.
Tags: tech, tutorial, mentoring, vscode
Looks like a very interesting extensions to help people get into a codebase or to record tutorials.
Tags: tech, refactoring, craftsmanship
Or why you should think twice before embarking into a refactoring when it’s not directly related to some feature development…
Tags: tech, databases, sql
Not exactly new, but easy to loose sight of it when in the hamster wheel. Clearly a good reminder.
Tags: tech, security, sms, 2fa
Or why you can’t really trust SMS for 2FA… it’s just too much of a wild west there.
Tags: tech, go
I like this kind of list of “gotchas” for languages or frameworks. This one seems to be fairly comprehensive in the case of Go. There are a few I wouldn’t expect in such a recent and fashionable language, oh well…
Tags: tech, performance, web, html, css, javascript, ecology
Very thorough analysis on the kind of web frontend performances you can expect for most people on mobile. Since we basically need to reduce the footprint of such frontends to make this sustainable again this is a very welcome article.
Tags: tech, css, javascript, frontend, web
Interesting use of CSS custom properties to make dynamic color schemes easy and manageable for webpages.
Tags: tech, plan9
Plan 9 is getting its own foundation. That’s kind of unexpected, I wonder where this will lead. :-)
Tags: tech, rust, data-science
Still keeping an eye on what’s available for crunching numbers in Rust. Apache Arrow looks like an interesting option.
Tags: tech, rust
Interesting take, it’s a bit what I feel coming from C++ and keeping an eye on Rust, it’s accumulating features fast and there’s a risk of things becoming inconsistent.
Tags: tech, sql, sqlite
SQLite keeps being a fun database full of little nuggets. Plenty of cases when it could fly but when somehow we use the bigger players instead.
Tags: tech, openssl, security
Friendly reminder to update your OpenSSL regularly. :-)
Tags: economics, malthus, medecine, hygiene, biology
Interesting take on the Malthusian argument. It’s been debated for a while now and was clearly wrong. Still maybe we didn’t draw the right lessons from that mistake.
Tags: history
Very interesting story, I didn’t know the fate of that woman. A bit crazy? Perhaps. Brave? Definitely.
Bye for now!