
Zanshin 0.2 beta1

Jul 25, 2011 | 2 minutes read

Tags: Akonadi, KDE, Zanshin

We released Zanshin 0.2 alpha2 in May, it was about time we got our acts together to prepare another release. So today I’m happy to announce the immediate availability of Zanshin 0.2 beta1!

It is the result of further bugfixing and testing work. We got some feedback from early users of 0.2 alpha2 and it’s been reflected in our bug hunting efforts.

Since the previous one was an alpha we still had the freedom to add a couple more features. The features introduced for that beta were rather non-intrusive though, the main ones are:

  • the ability to set categories on projects, todos inside such projects automatically inherit from those categories (greatly reduces the tagging needs);
  • the ability to synchronize collections directly from Zanshin;
  • and last but not least a Kontact plugin, now Zanshin can work embedded in Kontact (this one was actually a feature request, I didn’t even think about it). :-)

Now that we’re entering the beta cycle, we’re also publishing source tarballs. Of course, I still produce packages to openSUSE, although for the time being they’re only built against KDE:Unstable:SC, I’m waiting for kdepim 4.7 to hit other repos before supporting more. Those packages are available in my home:ervin repository.

And of course, you can still git clone kde:zanshin if you want the bleeding edge or if you wish to contribute.

We plan to release Zanshin 0.2 beta2 somewhat soon after the Desktop Summit. We’re only in bugfixing and stabilization mode now, no new feature will be introduced until we release 0.2.
