
AK2010, D+4to6: Hectic and wrapping up

Jul 9, 2010 | 1 minute read

Tags: Akademy, KDE

OK, once again I didn’t quite manage to write a blog each day… It always starts well and then the hackathon kicks in. :-)

The last three days, I had more meetings again. We made quite some progresses on our plans for Solid. I even got some more people to write on backends for libsolid, really neat. Looking forward to share the load in this way.

Of course hacking in between, and in particular today where I made quite some progresses on the new version of Zanshin which I neglected completely for the past year. Also notable was yesterday day trip, we spent the afternoon next to a nice lake. Kind of reminded the day trip in Glasgow, except that we had great weather this time, and hungry mosquitoes.

People started to leave already, I’m part of the last group of fearless hackers here. Tomorrow it’ll be my turn to move back home, not really looking forward to the trip itself, but having some rest at home will be welcome after such a hectic and awesome week!