
AK2006 D+5 : Solid house cleaning

Sep 29, 2006 | 1 minute read

Tags: Akademy, KDE, Solid

After the successive refactorings of the next few days, it’s time to get ready for merging in kdelibs. So today I spent almost all my time finishing the refactorings, documenting and reviewing the API. In the meantime Will was working on the fake backend for network management. I also gave a hand at it.

I took a break since API documenting can quickly become boring. And I attended Sebas’ BoF on marketing. Quite a few interesting ideas…

Tomorrow we’ll concentrate on unit tests. Once they are ready, we’ll finally be able to move Solid in kdelibs!

Mental note: I should really try to find some time to visit the city center. I’ll surely go with Ken and Peter tomorrow afternoon.