
AK2006 D-Day : Gentlemen, start your engines!

Sep 23, 2006 | 2 minutes read

Tags: Akademy, KDE

Today was the first official day of aKademy 2006. It started with Aaron’s keynote which was just awesome. I must say “as usual”, he is such a great speaker, very inspiring. His photos slideshow was just a great idea, it really showed how much common background the community shares.

I then attended the talks about QtDBus and Plasma which led us to the coffee break. It was time for the joint Phonon and Solid. I think that our duo with Matthias definitely worked, and it seems that our talk and approache was received quite well.

We formed small groups to hunt for lunch. We stopped in a small restaurant with David, Coolo, Thiago and a few other people. The food wasn’t bad and strangely both waiters were french.

Despite the bad weather here, we managed to get back for the second keynote in time and dry. After this keynote I was pleased to attend J5’s talk, the content was really interesting. And in particular his motto should be remembered: “Competition and Cooperation are NOT Mutually Exclusive”. Thanks a lot John for coming and participating in the conference part with this talk!

I missed a few talks, I was talking with Sebastian Trüg about future plans for KDE 4. It’ll probably lead to interesting reuse of some K3B code. Too bad I didn’t see the Asian Track, I was particularly looking forward Pradeepto’s talk.

I finally attended all the remaining talks of the KDE4 track. George’s talk about KHTML state was particularly interesting in my opinion.

I’m now writing this from the “pav” where we had a perfect geek dinner thanks to Nokia who sponsored a ton of pizzas and drinks for us. Thanks a lot for this support! The “pav” is an interesting place, cosy and warm… really nice, I’m so glad to be here!