
KDE Four Core : Day 1

Jul 1, 2006 | 1 minute read

Tags: Frameworks, KDE, Sprint

Hello from Trysil, Norway!

I finally arrived in Norway. No real event disturbed the trip, which is always good even if a bit boring. I met for the first time Alexander Neundorf and Tobias Koenig in Oslo airport. Nice to meet you guys.

We found our way to the bus. While we were waiting for it Allan Sandfeld arrived too… he was supposed to take the next bus, but since it would have required him to wait for two hours he took the same than us. Our bus was really full of people and we had the nice surprise to find Zack Rusin and Marius Monsen in it.

After a three hours trip by bus, we reached the cabin… It’s… well… GREAT™. A picture says it all, here is the view we have outside:

Beautiful view from the cabin And inside it’s cosy. Since we have a TV, a few hackers here watched a soccer world cup match:

Hackers watching soccer I’m really glad to be here, the next coming week will surely be terrific. All the conditions are met to make us very productive!