
D-Day! Yeah landed!

Aug 26, 2005 | 2 minutes read

Tags: Akademy, KDE

Ok, this time it’s official I arrived Malaga. My plane was on time, and I’ve been able to take the shuttle as expected… but… alone. In fact it was not that clear that other people had to wait 11:20 before the shuttle arrive. In fact, it was even sligthly late I was afraid to have missed it. But no! It appeared! And I had a whole van to put my stuff in!

On the flight itself it was a nice experience. That’s the first time I’m in a plane flying that high… well ok, I don’t travel that often so it explains it was my first time. :-p

As usual I looked at the earth while the plane was taking off, it was as usual, the same good old colors I always see when I take a plane. I see those in France, but also last year when I travelled to the Stuttgart airport. I’ve been a bit bored after some time so I started to read a bit some stuff I found in the plane. After around an hour I looked again and was amazed! No more the usual colors! It was really really different mostly ochre, brown, sand. Even the rivers edges didn’t look similar. Pretty impressive from the sky in my opinion.

And of course after all this goodness, I’ve been pleased to finally reach the residence, and start talking with fellow hackers!

Well, that’s all for today. ;-) Tomorrow we’ll have talks, so I’ll surely blog more.