
Good bye aKademy

Aug 31, 2004 | 1 minute read

Tags: Akademy, KDE

This time it’s really over… I’m writing this from home. I’m a bit sad I’ll miss you all! It was really great. My trip home was uneventful which is good news! My luggage has not been lost… pfew!

I noticed that the Kalyxo interview is now online on the dot.

Just for fun I have used the qwertz mapping during aKademy… and now I need to re-learn the azerty keymap it seems. It’s my typos day! =)

I’d like to thank the whole aKademy organization team! You’ve made a really great job for all of us. I’m sure it’s really appreciated.

Ok, my “reportage” from aKademy is now over. My blogging rate will surely drop from now.