
d+8 : Last aKademy day...

Aug 29, 2004 | 1 minute read

Tags: Akademy, KDE

Ok, we already feel it’s the end of aKademy here… less and less people hacking in the computer rooms. It’s a bit sad, but it has to end anyway.

I unfortunately won’t have time to hack today since I have to return the laptop I’m currently using. Moreover, I need to go back to the youth hostel this I won’t be in the same room tonight. I’ll find some more time for hacking when I’ll get home.

On another note, Peter Rockai and myself have been interviewed this morning mainly to discuss our work on the Kalyxo project. It should be published on the dot later today. It’s a bit strange for me to be interviewed… it’s the first time I have to do this.