We’re near the end of the aKademy… Tomorrow will be the last day. But today was quite interesting.
I woke up early because I had to be present for a talk… The talk I gave with Peter Rockai about the Kalyxo project. For my first talk in english it was not that bad. I was understandable. Maybe our talk was a bit too technical for a user conference… but since the project is still quite small we don’t have final products to showcase yet. Anyway, some people expressed interest after we gave our talk, it’s a nice feeling.
Then I attended some other talks. The first one about Kommander was interesting, it really seems to be a nice glue technology and I’ll look more closely at it for prototyping tasks. Then, Jonathan Riddell’s talk about Umbrello was interesting too… maybe a bit too UML centric, but it’s nice to see someone working on this. From what I’ve seen it made huge progress.
I’m working with David Faure on the trash:/ ioslave. It’s very interesting and I try to learn some of the KIO black magic he knows. This is an interesting piece of code to work on. Moreover David is really friendly and patient… I appreciate to work with him a lot.
Argh! I still have to sort out some of the design thoughts I have for the new devices:/ ioslave… I need to find some time to have this on paper and discuss it with the relevant persons.