
d-1: The arrival and other considerations...

Aug 20, 2004 | 2 minutes read

Tags: Akademy, KDE

This time I’m really far far away from home… I’ve never been so far from Toulouse in fact.

I woke up early to take my plane… I waited for the flight to Stuttgart in Paris. And then encountered the “german way to make airports”. It’s amazing! It’s the first time I see an airport so well organized. You have nice indications everywhere, and the bagage claims are not the mess we have in France.

And then… I met my first KDE developer in real life! Peter Simonsson (psn)! He’s quite friendly and was easy to find in the airport being the tallest person there. Our adventure begun with the schnellbahn (subway)… but we managed to arrive Ludwigsburg in one piece. From there the aKademy was really easy to find. We got there to directly find Peter Rockai (mornfall) with is camera (I bet he sleeps with it :p).

Mornfall guided us to the youth hostel where we were finally able to let our luggage. We met there Joseph Wenninger and Joachim Eibl who accompanied our walking to go back at aKademy… Everything went smooth except when I managed to loose everybody… but wait it was a good thing we’ve seen a really pretty place (please ask mornfall for pictures ;p). But from what I’ve seen from Ludwigsburg I’d say it’s a really pretty city.

During the afternoon we idled trying to socialize a little except for the “lucky” people carrying laptops who were already able to hack… Please note that I was very glad to meet Kurt Pfeifle for the first time!

Finally I took some time for dinner… I tried a “typical” dishe called Kaesespaetzle, it’s really not bad…

Wow, all of this happened in one day… and the conference have not even started yet. The next days promise to be really interesting!