
Let’s go for my web review for the week 2025-12.

Please stop externalizing your costs directly into my face

Tags: tech, ai, machine-learning, gpt, copilot, criticism

Those bots are really becoming the scourge of the Internet… Is it really necessary to DDoS every forge out there to build LLMs? And that’s not even counting all the other externalities, the end of the article make it clear: “If blasting CO2 into the air and ruining all of our freshwater and traumatizing cheap laborers and making every sysadmin you know miserable and ripping off code and books and art at scale and ruining our fucking democracy isn’t enough for you to leave this shit alone, what is?”

FOSS infrastructure is under attack by AI companies

Tags: tech, ai, machine-learning, gpt, copilot, criticism

More details about the impacts of the LLM companies acting like vandals… This is clearly widespread and generating work for everyone for nothing.

Careless people – Aral Balkan

Tags: tech, facebook, politics, law, gdpr, surveillance, attention-economy

I guess more reviews of that book will come out. It looks like Meta and some EU politicians are even more rotten to the core than we ever suspected…

Everything you say to your Echo will be sent to Amazon starting on March 28 - Ars Technica

Tags: tech, amazon, privacy, surveillance

Now is the time to wake up and get those surveillance devices out of people’s homes…

Man Tests If Tesla Autopilot Will Crash Into Wall Painted to Look Like Road

Tags: tech, tesla, safety

In case it wasn’t clear yet that not relying on Lidar was a stupid move for self-driving cars.

Dad demands OpenAI delete ChatGPT’s false claim that he murdered his kids

Tags: tech, ai, machine-learning, gpt, law

Still so reliable… could we confine this to NLP uses please? Should never had been used for anything looking remotely like search.

It’s all hallucinations

Tags: tech, ai, machine-learning, gpt

Words are important, I’m dismayed at how the marketing speak around generative AI is what people use… that completely muddies the thinking around them.

“Vibe Coding” vs Reality

Tags: tech, ai, machine-learning, gpt, copilot, programming

Despite the marketing speak… it’s definitely not there yet. So far all the attempts at using LLM for coding larger pieces end up in this kind of messy results. It helps kickstarting a project indeed but quickly degenerates after that.

My Scammer Girlfriend: Baiting A Romance Fraudster |

Tags: tech, security, scam

Fascinating exploration of the techniques scammers are using to hook their victims

Introducing Orpheus Speech - Canopy Labs

Tags: tech, speech, ai, machine-learning

Impressive new models for text to speech.

HTTP/3 is everywhere but nowhere

Tags: tech, http, quic, community

The picture is a bit to bleak I think, but there’s indeed currently a divide in terms of HTTP/3 adoption. This is fairly aligned with the big players vs long tail creators divide. Hopefully this will get solved at some point.

Were multiple return values Go’s biggest mistake?

Tags: tech, programming, go

With the little Go I wrote, I admit that the multiple return values feature is… odd. Worse though, it has bad ramifications.

I don’t think error handling is a solved problem in language design

Tags: tech, programming, language, exceptions

Indeed, it’s something where we lack consensus across languages and sometimes within the same ecosystem.

The Defer Technical Specification: It Is Time

Tags: tech, c, standard, memory, safety

This could be a big improvement for C. We’ll see how far this goes.

Speeding up C++ code with template lambdas – Daniel Lemire’s blog

Tags: tech, c++, programming, optimization

Definitely ugly in the end. Still it does the the trick.

Our interfaces have lost their senses

Tags: tech, gui, ux

Beautifully crafted post. So much of it is true as well, having several modalities available is better for interactions. We’ve been loosing this overtime, it’s time to reintroduce it… there’s so much to do in the HMI space.

Xenographics – Weird but (sometimes) useful charts

Tags: tech, data-visualization

Need new ideas for data visualization? This seems like a good resource.

Passive Voice Considered Harmful · Refactoring English

Tags: tech, documentation, writing

Good explanation of why the passive voice should be avoided. Also it gives a few cases where you want to favor the passive voice.

Why I’m No Longer Talking to Architects About Microservices

Tags: tech, architecture, microservices, criticism

Interesting piece… why talking about microservices generally leads nowhere. This is a too loosely defined term and we’re often confusing means and ends.

Who are your teammates?

Tags: tech, leadership, management, team

Interesting way to frame the question for leadership roles.

Why “Normal” Engineers Are the Key to Great Teams - IEEE Spectrum

Tags: tech, organization, team, culture, productivity

We should definitely put the 10x engineer myth to rest. Let’s focus on setting up the right organisation and culture instead.

Battery breakthrough as 99.99% of lithium extracted from old cells

Tags: tech, battery, ecology

If it can be done at scale this would be very good news.

Why Your Brain Blinds You For 2 Hours Every Days

Tags: science, cognition, neuroscience

Nice video which gives a glimpse on how our brain constantly tries to build a coherent picture of the reality around us. This is quite a feat since our senses are ill equipped to produce such a picture. Of course we don’t even notice all those processes when we go about our days.

Bye for now!