Tags: web-review, funny, attention-economy, web, microservices, management, complexity, tech, asynchronous, cpu, ecology, bias, frontend, maintenance, gui, criticism, debugging, queuing, culture, programming, rust, storage, organization, design, patience, filesystem, ux, language, gpt, performance, law, crdt, system, ai, ethics, networking, craftsmanship, memory, gaming, caching, fonts, music, unix, io, google, surveillance, public-domain, kernel
Let’s go for my web review for the week 2023-37.
Tags: culture, law, public-domain
This is unclear on the technicalities (is it even possible to just claim it like this? is CC0 required? etc.). Still this is a bold move, hats off to this renowned author.
Tags: tech, google, surveillance, attention-economy
If you’re still using Chrome, maybe you shouldn’t… They’re clearly making it easier to overcome ad blocker and the tracking won’t be a third party thing anymore, this browser will directly report on your behavior.
Tags: tech, gaming, maintenance, culture
Interesting conservation work. Video games being part of our culture, especially indie ones, it’s important for such work to happen and be funded.
Tags: tech, music, funny
Really cool and fun experiment. Surprisingly relaxing I find.
Tags: tech, ai, gpt, ethics, ecology, bias
Lays out the ethical problems with the current trend of AI system very well. They’re definitely not neutral tools and currently suffer from major issues.
Tags: tech, ai, gpt, language
Now this is a very good article highlighting the pros and cons of large language models for natural language processing tasks. It can help on some things but definitely shouldn’t be relied on for longer term systems.
Tags: tech, system, unix, cpu, memory, filesystem
I didn’t read it since it’s basically a whole book. Still from the outline it looks like a very good resource for beginners or to dig deeper on some lower level topics.
Tags: tech, debugging
Good process for fixing bug. Definitely similar to how I approach it as well.
Tags: tech, io, storage, cpu, kernel, performance
A good reminder that depending what happens in the kernel, the I/O time you were expecting might turn out to be purely CPU time.
Tags: tech, programming, craftsmanship
A bit of a rambling, there’s something interesting in it though. Splitting small functions early will do more harm than good if they’re not reused. Don’t assume they automatically make things easier to read.
Tags: tech, rust, asynchronous, criticism
More details are surfacing regarding async and Rust… definitely not a match in heaven it seems.
Tags: tech, performance, programming
Good list of things to keep in mind when thinking about performances. Of course, always measure using a profiler when you want to be really sure.
Tags: tech, queuing, networking, system, performance
Interesting way to approximate how loaded a system is.
Tags: tech, caching
Interesting caching strategy. Looks somewhat simple to put in place as well.
Tags: tech, microservices, criticism, complexity
Looks like the morbid fascination for microservices is fading. This is very welcome. This piece is a good criticism of this particular fad and gives an interesting theory of why it came to be.
Tags: tech, gui, fonts
Think of the typography and fonts if you don’t want to have text jumping around in your GUI.
Tags: tech, web, frontend, crdt
Interesting, “state of the union” regarding local-first we frontend. Lots of pointers towards other resources too.
Tags: tech, web, frontend, complexity
Good reasoning, multi-page applications should be the default choice for web frontends architecture. The single page applications come at a cost.
Tags: tech, attention-economy, criticism, design, ux
OK, this is a very bleak view… maybe a bit over the top I’m unsure. There seems to be some truth to it though.
Tags: management, organization, patience
This is a sound advice. In other words, don’t commit too early, only when you got enough information. Of course monitor to make sure you don’t miss said information.
Bye for now!