Tags: web-review, django, management, frontend, change, javascript, framasoft, scam, improving, flatpak, linux, tech, git, cryptoassets, security, email, html, smarthome, complexity, iot, web
Let’s go for my web review for the week 2021-47.
Tags: tech, security
Good reminder of why fingerprint readers are really a poor security device.
Tags: tech, cryptoassets, scam
This is a good summary of why I think those crypto currencies are mainly a scam and used to entertain a perpetual delusion on their use.
Tags: tech, iot, smarthome
Feels like loosing agency in your own home… definitely not for me…
Tags: tech, linux, flatpak
This is a bit of a rant but that summarizes quite well why I fail to fall in love with snap, flatpack and the likes. Everytime I tried to use one of those I ended up with GBs of extra runtime to deal with and the security arguments are frankly debatable… I wish the LSB wasn’t defunct.
Tags: tech, web, framasoft
Really nice to see this excellent piece of software growing.
Tags: tech, git, email
Always wanted to try this particular way of dealing with patches. But none of the projects I contributed to so far work in that mode.
Tags: tech, html, javascript, frontend, django
Interesting way to combine Django and a couple of JS based tiny frameworks to make simpler frontends.
Tags: tech, complexity
Good summary on why overengineering is bad, why it happens and how to try to prevent it. We deal with complexity we better make sure there’s no undue complexity in our systems.
The wording and bias of the article is a bit startup-y but most things in there apply more widely.
Tags: management, change, improving
Interesting musing about change management: don’t come up with something too perfect if you want people to make it their own.
Bye for now!