Tags: web-review, governance, logging, surveillance, microsoft, hardware, tech, privacy, free-software, management, gpu, facebook, apple, google, misinformation, networking, delegation, internet, awk, social-media, command-line, 3d, dotnet
Let’s go for my web review for the week 2021-40. I got to admit it’s heavily loaded in Facebook related content this time… It is kind of unsurprising though with the “terrific” week they had.
Tags: tech, networking, facebook, internet
Interesting explanation of a major BGP mistake.
Tags: tech, facebook, social-media, surveillance, misinformation
Toxic architecture illustrated… It’s very brave for such a whistleblower to come forward with that much insider information.
Tags: tech, facebook, surveillance
I just hope they will have the same fate than the Google Glass (as in: not become a mass consumer product with a regular spectacles design)… Otherwise if they sell well, it’ll be tough to not be impacted by them. Even if you don’t own any.
Tags: tech, facebook, social-media
It’s really a stream of bad news for that social network this week… I can’t help but wonder if a turning point is coming for them.
Tags: tech, privacy, surveillance, apple, google
The “Apple is better at privacy” argument was looking really like a fallacy to me. And indeed, it’s getting clearer that it was greatly exaggerated…
Tags: tech, dotnet, microsoft, governance, free-software
It looks like the .NET Foundation in in some turmoil at the moment. From the look of that discussion it seems that there are a few major governance issue. Also it looks like not everyone looked into the small prints when they joined.
Tags: tech, gpu, hardware, 3d
Somewhat in-depth introduction to how GPUs work internally.
Tags: tech, logging
Nice set of simple rules to improve the quality of your logs.
Tags: tech, command-line, awk
This is a good primer of an essential tool in our box.
Tags: management, delegation
Good wrap-up with a practical example.
Bye for now!