Tags: web-review, performance, security, climate, postgresql, air-quality, web, databases, tech, surveillance, apple, frontend, css, saml, ecology, science, privacy, google
Let’s go for my web review for the week 2021-32.
Tags: air-quality, science
Clean indoor air is important for a lot of health factors… Including the pandemic.
Tags: climate, ecology
If confirmed this is seriously bad news…
Tags: tech, apple, surveillance, security, privacy
The Apple ecosystem hell bent on becoming extremely privacy invasive… Per usual it’s justified by “protecting the children” or some other false pretense. Don’t be fooled, once it’s in, it’ll just expand in scope and governments will do everything they can to tap in the content of those scans.
Tags: apple, surveillance
Thanks you Apple for creating the perfect tools for private and governmental surveillance. Now, we can probably expect a race to the bottom from the other players as well.
Tags: tech, google
Such a nice company…
Tags: tech, saml, security
Interesting exploration and rough explanation of why SAML has so many issues. Complexity by design in such critical components is a bad idea…
Tags: tech, web, frontend, css
Nice summary of the abilities coming from CSS transforms.
Tags: tech, databases, postgresql, performance
Interesting exploration and workaround for the Postgres query planner.
Bye for now!